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A myth of orgasmic proportions has taken the internet by storm, one alleging that women can reach orgasm via slingshot ride. The ride already known for making people pass out can apparently also make people cum.  

This long-standing rumor recently reached a new climax, as several videos purportedly depicting instances of the phenomenon found viral popularity on TikTok.

“Not sure why she had a whole orgasm during this,” TikTok creator Joshua Gentry – a.k.a. Jaegent_0 – captioned his 2021 clip of him and his S.O.’s climactic trip to the fair.

It’s unclear whether this excited response was genuine or staged for the views – a strategy that would be incredibly effective considering the clip's 562,000 views – several TikTokers assured in the comments that this was no clout baiting.

“It happens on many rides that go up and down also. even airplanes,” mused user @user3470368165065.

“They don't call it G force for nothing,” joked dbavalos.

Meanwhile, user @baharamohelena admitted that they too have experienced something similar.

“This is the same way I feel whenever the plane takes off,” they wrote.

Risking death: always worth the orgasm.